What is 100 days of productivity?

June 30, 2018Rabea

What is 100 days of productivity thumbnail

The study community talks about the #100daysofproductivity all the time and it’s actually a pretty cool concept and that’s why I will tell you what the 100 days of productivity are. I had the idea for this post after realizing how hard it is to find the posts of the original creator through Google and hope you will find your answers. I hope I can link more resources with time.

What is 100 days of productivity?

It’s pretty much what you would expect from the name of the challenge. You try to be productive for 100 days. We can do at least one productive thing each day and that’s where this is challenge is coming from. The challenge is made to improve your motivation and ability to just get things done.

What is counted as productive?

While some people only associate studying with this challenge I think you should also count work related things as something productive. Here is a list of common things that count as being productive:

These are (obviously) not the only productive things you can do. Anything that is an achievement for you can be part of this list.

Who can join?

It’s open to anyone. There are no requirements for joining the challenge. You don’t need to be in the study community to be a part of this project. Its whole purpose is just to motivate yourself and each other. I always love seeing people outside of the education system using it too.

When does it start?

Whenever you want. There is no set date for starting. A lot of people start on the first of the month or at the beginning of a new school year, but you can start in the middle of the week if you want to. I personally still prefer to start fresh on a Monday or something like that but if you are motivated to do it now you should start now.

How do I document my productivity?

Most people document their journey on their Instagram, Tumblr or even Twitter account. It’s the best way to connect with other people that are currently doing the challenge. But you can also do it for yourself without sharing it with the world. This can be a bit harder if you aren’t very good at holding yourself accountable.
I also suggest to track your project on paper or in a document.

Do I have to share content?

If you don’t want to share pictures, you don’t need to. It is a good idea to share if you have a study account, but if you don’t have one and you don’t want to share pictures of your journey, you really don’t need to. As long as you document your challenge on paper and stay on track you are doing the challenge right.

What do you think? Does the #100daysofproductivity challenge sound like something for you? We all are in a productivity rut from time to time and I’m sure it could help a lot of you to do this challenge.

If you want to be productive but not in the sense of working, I recently added an eBook with 100 ways to be productive to my freebie library that you can download as a member of my newsletter squad. You can join for free here:

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What is 100 days of productivity

Comments (4)

  • Janet lee

    July 10, 2018 at 12:35 am

    Great idea!! Starting today…

    1. Rabea

      July 10, 2018 at 1:25 pm

      I also decided to start it this month. Happy that I could inspire you to do it!

  • Alice

    September 18, 2018 at 2:55 pm

    this post is pretty much a reworded version of the guide written by the creator

    1. Rabea

      September 18, 2018 at 7:43 pm

      Yes, because I am describing the same thing and the post of the creator is super hard to find on Google. I never claimed it to be my creation. I just wanted to give people that want to know what it is an explanation. If you have more resources to link to I am open to linking them in the post since I didn´t really find a whole lot in my research for this (other than tumblr blogs making similar posts to this one without linking to the original either).
      Thank you for reading!

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