How to sort out your life to feel free again

July 25, 2018Rabea

How to sort out your life to feel free again main thumbnail

Sometimes we all feel like prisoners in our own lifes and sorting through your life is the only thing that really helps most of the time. That’s why I want to share with you how to sort out your life to feel free again. Grab a snack and enjoy this guide.


Let’s start with the obvious things you can and should sort out at least once a year to feel fresh in your own space. I mostly use the Konmari technique and if you wanna learn more about that you should buy the book about it. ItΒ΄s the best organization book I know and a lot of other bloggers swear by it.


We hold on to so many clothing pieces that we donΒ΄t wear. Maybe it’s that dress that you bought for that one day and you will never wear it again. Maybe you have a shirt that is cozy but damaged. Sort it out and buy a better one that will serve you for a longer time. You can also buy other things to refresh your style and wardrobe. Buy new pants or underwear if you feel like it.


If you aren’t living paperless already you probably have tons of paperwork everywhere. And some of these papers are not helping you in any way. The only things you really need to keep are insurance papers, bills for electronics, papers for your car and a few other things. It should be able to fit into 1-2 files. Everything else can be either scanned or photographed (there are also apps for this) and saved on 1-2 external hard drives.


I know that you have at least 5 books that you β€œwanted to read sooner or later” but you really won’t do it (let’s be honest). Sort them out, sell them. Also sell books you read once and know that you won’t be reading them a second time (to all the Harry Potter fans: Yes, you should keep the books). After making space in your bookshelf you can buy 1-2 books that will help you improve your life. I made a little blog post with my favorite books about personal development.

Misc. / Everything else

You obviously have little areas everywhere that should be cleaned out too. You probably have things in your kitchen that you only use once a year, you can live without those. Maybe your bathroom is filled with tons of different shower gels (been there too) and you should gift them to others or restrict yourself from buying new ones. You know the best which things you don’t use enough to keep them.


After all this decision training you are ready to sort through the items that are near and dear to your heart. Little things that remind you of the past. Some of them loose value to you or they simply take up too much space. If you are alone or in a relationship all your memories related things should fit in 2-3 shoeboxes. If you have children it will be a bit more. I won’t give you too many tips on this part because it’s just so different for everyone.

Social Media

You probably follow tons of people and posted at least a few pictures. Sort out who you follow because there are probably people in that list that might give you a bad vibe, donΒ΄t inspire you anymore or you just donΒ΄t want to follow them anymore. If you donΒ΄t want to see the mediocre posts of your friends on your timeline anymore you can also mute them instead of unfollowing them. Twitter, Facebook and Instagram all have a mute feature and it honestly saved my life.

Digital Data

We live in 2018 and we have smartphones. You download documents, apps and other data. You make pictures and film little things. Sort through your phone, delete unimportant data and unused apps and than make a backup of all the other data thatΒ΄s left. I usually do that on my computer, you can also put it on a hard drive. Others might prefer a cloud based backup in iCloud, Google Drive or Dropbox.


Now we have all the physical things sorted out and you will already feel a weight lifted off your shoulders after doing that. But there are also things you can do to sort through your mental space and make your soul feel better again.

Journal your thoughts out

If you need a mental cleanse it should start with letting all your thoughts, limiting beliefs and problems out. My prefered way to do this is journaling. Just grab a notebook or paper and write everything down that comes to your mind. It doesnΒ΄t need to make sense, just write everything from your soul and head onto paper and you will already feel better while doing that. After that you can analyze your thoughts if you want to. This might help you to understand where you might make yourself feel the wrong way.


After letting as much out as you can you should give your mind a relaxation session and meditate for a while. Doing nothing except for breathing can be hard but is the best way to relax as soon as it gets easier for you to meditate. I personally love guided meditations for longer sessions and sometimes even calming music. There are a few good playlists for that on Spotify if you search it up.

Declutter your goals

Sometimes itΒ΄s hard to have a clear to do list for the next months if you donΒ΄t really know what you want. Most of the time the problem is too many goals rather than not enough goals. Set priorities for your biggest goals. Which ones are important right now and which can wait a few weeks or months. Having a maximum of 3 big goals is a good start. Usually the goal for your health should be the most important one and after that comes family, friends and work.

Read something uplifting

Surrounding yourself with positive and uplifting things online and offline is super important. Read an inspiring book or follow a few pages online that post positive messages that remind you to look forward and be grateful. This will help you to keep up with your goals and positivity.

These were my most important tips on how to sort out your life to feel free again. If you have another tip feel free to comment down below. If you want to know how to have a life admin day or weekend to get all of these things done, then you can get my mini eBook on it here (for FREE!) by signing up for my newsletter below. Or you can just get your entire life together with my new workbook that helps you figure out your goals and gives you a system to reach them. Check that out HERE.

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How to sort out your life to feel free again

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