How to reset your life for more clarity

July 24, 2021Rabea

Itโ€™s 2021 and last year has been wild, wilder than we expected. It brought up a lot of things in each of us and changed our lives. But with that comes the best recipe for a life reset this spring. Here is a guide on how to reset your life for more clarity.

How to reset your life for more clarity thumbnail

Work through journaling prompts

Write yourself questions or find some online. You need to figure out where you are now in your life, where you want to go with your life and how you want to get there. There canโ€˜t be a reset if you donโ€˜t know what you want to leave behind and what you want to welcome next. Writing all of these things down can take from a full day to a full week, but it is absolutely worth it and feels incredibly revealing and freeing.

Look at your habits

Habits make or break you. That always sounds so dramatic, but itโ€˜s true. If you do a bad thing for a long period of time you will likely feel consequences from it. If you do a good thing for a long period of time you most likely will be ahead of others in some way. Look at habits to cut out of your life slowly and habits to at least minimize a bit. This also leans into the topic of escapism. Escapism can be healthy, but if you do it too much you should figure out better replacements for those activities. Instead of watching a whole season of something on Netflix multiple times a week can work if you hone a skill while watching…maybe painting. But it could also be more helpful to spend that time getting better at writing.

Get clear on what success & happiness mean to you

This is a big one. Especially if you are in one of those sweet existential crises that happen a lot in the 20s and 30s of your life. Always have this as a reference. Know what happiness means to you and know what success means to you. You will see that success will help happiness but happiness isnโ€˜t dependent on it. Everytime you want to compare yourself to others you can look at that list and get a little bit of peace of mind.

Figure out your internal and external problem areas

If you want your life reset to be really transformative you should analyze your life in-depth. Is there any unresolved trauma you should be working on or dig into with a therapist? Are there any friendships that give you more bad than good vibes? Is there anything with red flags all across it around you? Take a look at your life from the eyes of a good, well-meaning friend and see if there might be things in your life that are more toxic than you perceive them to be in day-to-day life. That includes looking at your partner, your attachment style, your work, your friendships, your space, your habits, your physical health and mental health.

Write down what you want and figure out your accountability system

Goal setting is an essential part of a reset, isnโ€˜t it? Write down what you want. Doesnโ€˜t matter if itโ€˜s goals that you had for a long time now or if itโ€˜s something new. Also figure out how you can work on those goals consistently and be held accountable for it. For some people a weekly review is enough and for others an accountability partner is needed. Figure out what has and hasnโ€˜t worked for you in the past.

If you want to go a little more in-depth with getting clearer on your life I just recently added a new freebie to my library with 90 journaling prompts for self-discovery and clarity. I use them myself and I think you would really enjoy them. You can get them straight to your inbox here:

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How to reset your life for more clarity

How to reset your life for more clarity by Rabea

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