When you think about journaling, there is always that underlining teenager vibe. But journaling isn’t only for emotionally confused teenagers. It is the best tool for adults that you could…
Ways to break a creative rut
The worst feeling in the world? Not creating. It is a very depressing feeling to not have your creative juices flowing as a person that really has creativity engraved…
15 journaling prompts for self-love & positivity
Journaling can be hard sometimes. You can have a lot on your mind and it doesn’t come out. That’s why I have some journaling prompts for self-love and positivity…
Top 5 self-help books you need to read
Reading is one of the most relaxing things you can do as a human being. In the last 3 years I didn’t read a lot, but I came across…
10 self-care activities to do in winter
I know a lot of you have seasonal depression and find it hard to practice self-care. You just don´t know what to do sometimes and some of the self-care activites…