What needs to be in a media kit?

July 6, 2019Rabea

Every blogger that teaches you how to start making money with your blog mentions media kits, but what needs to be in a media kit? Here is what should be in a media kit:

What needs to be in a media kit main th

About the blog

Write a few sentences about what you write about on your blog and who its target audience is. For me it is young women that want to better their life and thatโ€™s why I write about self-care, personal development & business tips. Maybe your blog is targeting teens or people in their thirties, maybe itโ€™s targeting moms. Just make a connection between the topic and the audience.

About you

Talk a little bit about you. Who are you? Where are you from? Why do you write about these things? Giving brands your vision and showing them whatโ€™s driving you can make a big difference. Especially when you are still in the early stages of blogging. Personally, I wrote that me dealing with anxiety disorder made me start this blog to help others get back on track with their mental health.

Your numbers

It might not be your favorite part but brands want to see your numbers. Write down the monthly unique visitors, general monthly clicks, newsletter subscribers and any relevant and frequently used social medias with the follower count. All the things together can add up quite a bit and can also be a point to collab with you from the brand perspective.

Your services

What is it that you do? Mentions in a blog post? Review blog posts? Social Media posts? Videos with the product? Giveaways benefitting the follower count of the brand? Advertisement to your newsletter (higher conversion rate than your average blog post)? There are a lot of things you might be able to do and you should list them. Maybe even have multiple media kits for when you are pitching brands per email so your services in the media kit line up with what the brand usually does.

Your price list

And with the services you obviously need a price list. Research and ask what other charge for certain services. Give prices for blog posts, social media posts and newsletter advertisement. And give them bundles to get them all together for a little bit less. This part of the media kit is pretty straight forward and there isnโ€™t a lot I could add about it.

Of course super big brands sometimes like 1-page media kits. In that case you can but the two about sections into one and narrow down the service and price list fitting to the brand (or brand niche, you might be pitching multiple similar brands at once). But for the media kit you will link on your blog for brands to download you can and should totally show them your full range, in my opinion.

*This post contains affiliate links

Youโ€™re just starting out? Here are my recommendations.

Youโ€™re just starting out with blogging or simply search for new ways to further your business? I have a few recommendations for you:
Bluehost – my hosting service for the last 3 years, Iโ€™m super happy with it!
Grammarly – this tool makes sure my grammar is right in all my social media posts.
Tailwind – Tired of manually pinning every day? This tool helps you get your pins in front of a bigger audience and Iโ€™ve been using it for a year now.
Blogging Bossbabe – a course I made for all the people wanting to start a blog and make it successful. Everything in one place and affordable if you want to save some $$$.

If you need some help with starting your first blog I can recommend my free email course “Blogger Starter Pack” for you. It’s 4 emails full of advice, tips and actionsteps. Sign up for free here:

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What needs to be in a media kit

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