What I learned about copywriting

August 31, 2019Rabea

If you’re a blogger or business owner in general you need to learn about copywriting. It is one of the most important things to know in business online and offline. Here is what I learned about copywriting so far. I hope it helps the beginners out there.

*This post contains affiliate links

What I learned about copywriting main th

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is the act, or occupation of writing text for the purpose of advertising or other forms of marketing. The product, called copy, is written content that aims to increase brand awareness and ultimately persuade a person or group to take a particular action.

Using it on a website

Copywriting on websites like my blog are mostly used to interest people into checking out free value like another blog posts or freebies. But it can also be targeting readers to buy a low price product like an ebook or templates for something. I mainly use it on my website to lead people to my email list where I can warm them up to me and what I do. There are people that are really good at writing copy and optimizing their website in a way they can actually sell pretty expensive things this way. But that isn’t super common.

Using it in e-mails

Here the potential customers get used to you and what you do and it is a little bit easier to get them to buy low to mid-range priced things after giving them free value. If you attracted the right kind of people with your posts and freebies, this should be the main income for you as a blogger. Of course there are other ways like affiliate marketing but if you sell a digital product, this is most likely the way you start making money. Most people start writing copy in the welcome sequence of a newsletter paired with the free value. I teach about this in my β€œBlogging Bossbabe” e-course.

Using it 1 on 1

Targeting specific people from your mailing list or online that look like the ideal customer can be a good way to sell very pricey products. This needs to be paired with good networking skills and a good grip for copywriting. Some people make thousands a month from this technique but it needs to work with the product you sell. It also needs to be done within the rules. In the case of an email list you could make a little subgroup with β€œideal customers” since contacting them unsolicited with advertisement would be a little bit shady. A lot of people actually go the social media way and write DM’s.

Using it in print media

I didn’t learn a lot about copywriting in print media but most of the time it is either used in a very short form in the advertisement that are printed. The longer form would be in an article giving free information and pairing it with your product as a recommendation for the problem you’re presenting the reader. It isn’t much different from online copywriting but most of the time towards a different type of reader and consumer. It’s also mostly for everyday products that are shown to be effective. The price range is big but it usually doesn’t work as well with the things we sell in digital form online.

You’re just starting out? Here are my recommendations.

This is what I learned about copywriting. You’re just starting out with blogging or simply search for new ways to further your business? I have a few recommendations for you:
Bluehost – my hosting service for the last 3 years, I’m super happy with it!
Grammarly – this tool makes sure my grammar is right in all my social media posts.
Tailwind – Tired of manually pinning every day? This tool helps you get your pins in front of a bigger audience and I’ve been using it for a year now.
Blogging Bossbabe – a course I made for all the people wanting to start a blog and make it successful. Everything in one place and affordable if you want to save some $$$.
Blogger Starter Pack – a completely free email course that helps you with the basic beginnings of starting a professional blog- Sign up for it down below and get started now:

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What I learned about copywriting

What I learned about copywriting by Rabea

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