My resolutions for 2019

It’s the end of the year and that means new goals and new projects for the next year. Here are my resolutions for 2019.
Meeting more people
I’m very introverted and live in a small city where almost everyone knows everybody else. This together with my mental health in the last years kept me from socializing a lot. But now that my mental health is getting better and better I would love to connect to more people again. I plan on searching for a good dancing class and maybe an acting group. I also wanna go to city events a bit more often and connect to creatives in different fields online a bit more. Networking is so important but it feels like my weakness…when it shouldn’t because I’m usually good at talking with people or even in front of a crowd.
Going to more events
I already mentioned that in the last resolution but I wanna go to more events. Not just events in my city but also little courses, concerts and conventions. Maybe even meetups in industries I’m interested in. I would love to get more into acting again after leaving it for the last 5 years to have more time to concentrate on school (and later mental health). I wanna meet more people…can you tell?
Launch my self-care ebook
This is already in the works. I have it outlined and I know what I want to write for each topic in the book but I definitely still need to research more on some of the topics, figure out which pictures to use and which program I will use for the layout and all the behind the scenes stuff you don’t really need to know. I’m aiming to launch it in the month of March and I am so excited to show you the end product.
Getting better at singing
One of my smaller goals for 2018 was to sing more in general and I did sing more than I did in the years before but I wanna get even more into it. I always loved to sing and I know I’m not the worst at it and I hopefully will get better with the help of youtube videos and maybe later on a vocal coach. Singing more freely and with less “shame” is definitely important to me on a personal level.
Learn the basics of dancing hip hop
Also something I always had on my list. I’ve been contemplating on joining a dance class for years now and I decided to start learning the basics by myself with videos in the safety of my home before I look deeper into the very few hip hop dance classes in my area. All the good schools in my area are very hard to reach and this is my little plan I guess.
Learning spanish basics
This was on my plan for “when I’m fluent in English” and since I learned to be fully fluent in the talking part of English this year I decided to make this next year’s goal. The basics of Spanish aren’t really hard but pushing myself to learn frequently and putting the language around me will be the actual hard part about it. I always was good with new languages but keeping up with them is definitely always where it gets hard.
looking for acting groups & join one
I already mentioned it but I really wanted to make this an extra point. I watched almost no movie and didn’t do anything related to theater in over 5 years because school got in the way, puberty got in the way and my mental health made me kinda pause it too since these are things I get very emotionally invested in. So this year I started getting back into watching more movies again and I suddenly felt the need to get into acting again. The problem is: I am German, we have a lot of rather boring plays in my area for the most part and I really wanna act in English and more on the filming side…which is super hard to get into when the country you are in is…not talking English and you also don’t have a car to get into the bigger cities for auditions and stuff like that. You see why this is an extra point on the list? Figuring this out will be…not so fun but hopefully I will find a way.
Network waaay more!!!
Also something I mentioned but it needs to be another extra point. You can’t be you best in business if you don’t have contact to other creatives. And if we wanna use the acting example “Without networking you don’t get jobs/an agent”. It really is a core element to pretty much everything in the creative industry and that’s why I need to get into it way more. I don’t really have that much of a problem talking to people but approaching them and talking about the right things is something I definitely wanna get better at.
Those were my resolutions for 2019. I hope I will follow through with at least 80% of the things on this list. Feel free to tell me your resolutions in the comments.
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