Bluehost Review 2020 – After 3 years of using their service

November 23, 2019Rabea

I’ve been using Bluehost since 2017 for this blog with their three year deal and now that I’m coming to the end of the third year I wanted to write a little review to help you decide if you want to use the service.

*This post contains affiliate links

Bluehost Review 2020 main pic

What is Bluehost?

Bluehost is a service that provides web hosting to host your WordPress website on. That means if you don’t want a standing in your page name and want to have full rulership over your website you need to have a web hosting service to run your website on. They offer more things but this is the main service they are known for. They also offer a domain with their service, as well as multiple ways to protect yourself and your website.

Would I recommend it?

Yes, I would definitely recommend it for a beginner blogger. It’s pretty easy to set up, especially with all the guides for it online. I’ve never had a problem with their service which leads me to the part where I really need to tell you that I can’t review their customer service here and we all know that pretty much any customer service has good and bad reviews. I also can’t speak from the perspective of someone with a lot of website traffic, but overall I know that there is a reason why tons of people use them: Their service works for most people.


I always try to include feedback, since there always are things a service can improve on. In my opinion it shouldn’t be that much more expensive to keep my “WHOIS” hidden as a web hosting service. Paying for basic safety isn’t really…cool. Worth it but not super cool, that’s that. Other than that I feel like the website should be available in more languages but maybe I’ve overlooked something. Same goes for guides to set up a website with them. They probably exist, but blog posts were easier to find than a guide from them.

Special Offer

They currently offer 3 years of their service for $2.95 a month (paid at once) and I used that exact offer three years ago to start this journey. Check the offer our HERE*. It was definitely worth it for me when I clicked on it. I linked this offer and a few other ones in the next paragraph to help you start your blog. That was my Bluehost Review. Feel free to ask questions or ask them questions.

You’re just starting out? Here are my recommendations.

You’re just starting out with blogging or simply search for new ways to further your business? I have a few recommendations for you:
Bluehost – my hosting service for the last 3 years, I’m super happy with it!
Grammarly – this tool makes sure my grammar is right in all my social media posts.
Tailwind – Tired of manually pinning every day? This tool helps you get your pins in front of a bigger audience and I’ve been using it for a year now.
ConvertKit – Want to start an email list to generate more sales or just to keep your readers updated? This is a great service to use.
Blogging Bossbabe – a course I made for all the people wanting to start a blog and make it successful. Everything you need to know in one place and affordable if you want to save some $$$.
Blogger Starter Pack – a completely free email course that helps you with the basic beginnings of starting a professional blog- Sign up for it down below and get started now:

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Bluehost Review 2020

Bluehost Review 2020 by Rabea

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