What you need to start a blog in 2019

December 15, 2018Rabea

What you need to start a blog in 2019 main thumbnail

A lot of people want to start a blog or an online business in 2019. Since I blog for multiple years now I wanted to give you a little list of what you need to start a blog in 2019.

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Hosting service & domain

If you wanna go full professional I suggest to start with WordPress and to have a WordPress page you need a service that hosts your website. I personally use Bluehost and I am super happy with it and never had problems with it. It is easy to set up and you get help with it from either the customer support or blog posts. You also automatically get a domain of your choice with their service. I will soon write a little Bluehost review for their services to help you decide if you want to use them but I would definitely go for it. It is the most expensive part of a website but you pay 1-3 years in advance and it’s worth it.


Design & Branding

A nice looking blog is already half of the professionalism of a website. At least as a viewer or reader I rate the professionalism of something online based on how professional and well designed it looks. It can be hard to find a design that isn’t super expensive but still easy to change around but I personally found a lot of good designs on Creative Market. This page is full of blog designs and elements that will help you with your branding. I posted a blog post with my favorite blog designs I found there a while ago and you can check it out HERE. If you wanna learn more about Branding and more about starting a good blog in general you should definitely check out the Blogging Bossbabe e-course.


Yoast SEO

This is a free plugin for WordPress that will help you get found easier on search engines like Google. I personally think this is the most helpful tool I use on my blog since it accompanies me in every blog post. It also tells me what I should change about it to make it more appealing to readers and search engines. If you start using WordPress a lot of things will be confusing and too much but if you wanna download one Plugin it’s this.


Editorial Calendar

You wanna have an organized way to work with your blog and there is nothing more professional than an editorial calendar. Mine mostly has my blog posts and estimated launches on it a quarter in advance. If you are very obsessed with planning you can also put your social media posts on there. I personally use Trello. It’s free and works wonderful with the calendar tool added to the Board. It’s very self explaining and helps me a lot when I don’t know what is happening next on my blog.


This is what you need to start a blog in 2019. Of course there are more little things that you will come across but this is mostly what you should have on a list to fall back on.

If you want to learn a bit more in depth how to start a professional and successful blog and want to get into more details on what to do after you set everything up you should definitely check out the e-course β€œBlogging Bossbabe”. Everything a blogging beginner needs is in that course and it also has a lot of freebies for you to use. I made the whole course almost half the price for the beginning of 2019 so grab it while you can!

And if you want to have more updates on courses and eBooks you should definitely be a part of my newsletter squad! Shhh, we have freebies!

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What you need to start a blog in 2019

Comments (2)

  • Charlee | The Morning Tonic

    December 18, 2018 at 2:54 am

    I just launched my blog, and branding has definitely been the hardest thing for me so far. You’re definitely right about it being hard to find a theme that isn’t too expensive. I tried to find a free theme I liked, but in the end I decided it would be better to spend some money and get something I was happy with.

    I also use Trello for my editorial calendar! I’ve been using it to plan everything blog-related so far, and I love it!

    1. Rabea

      December 18, 2018 at 8:53 pm

      Trello is a true lifesaver!

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