self-care products you haven’t tried yet

If you are like me you probably like to try out new things when it comes to self-care and relaxation. That’s why I wanted to show you self-care products you haven’t tried yet (probably) in today’s blog post. Shhh, they are all under 20$ too so keep reading!
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Herbal tea
Not enough people see drinks as self-care but tea is so good for you and trying out new tea mixes can be really fun actually. Herbal tea is definitely worth a try in my opinion. The amount of mixes and what each of those mixes can help you with is insane. On of the best places you can find herbal teas in a big variety is on Amazon actually. Starting your self-care day of the week with a tea, could it be more spa-like?
Sheet masks
You might have seen these weird looking masks on your Instagram feed or in a video about skin care already. Sheet Masks had their big boom in south korea (they are obsessed with skin care) and are now finding their way into the rest of the world. Some of them can be super expensive but if you look online you will find them for way less. I still didn’t try one myself but they are supposed to be really amazing (which I would hope since they look so creepy).
Himalayan Pink Salt Lamp
These are everywhere at the moment. If you didn’t see them in your grandparents houses from their travels you will see them now. Himalayan pink salt lamps are purifying the air in a room and give off a beautiful soft glow that is perfect for rainy days and Me-Time in the evenings. You need to check where they are from when you buy them though. There are a lot of fakes out there that don’t purify the air and just look good. Definitely a self-care products you haven’t tried yet, right?
Coloring book
This is a recommendation you’ve probably heard too many times by now but adult coloring books are truly great if you don’t have the time to draw more complicated things yourself. Coloring in something can have a similar effect to what meditation does to you. If you wanna read more on the research that has been done on meditation you should check out my last blog post where I talk about it. I personally have THIS coloring book and I love it.
Reading is a form of self-care. Reading and learning more about self-care is double self-care. I am currently writing an ebook all about self-care and its effects. If you wanna be one of the first people to know the launch date you should sign up for my newsletter. It’s gonna be awesome!
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