How to grow your blog traffic

August 17, 2019Rabea

If you just started out with blogging you probably ask yourself how to generate more blog traffic. There are a few ways to grow the traffic on your website and in this blog post I will show you the main ways of how to grow your blog traffic.

How to grow your blog traffic main th

*This post contains affiliate links

Social Media

Being social on social media doesn’t only give you more followers and likes, it also makes more and more people find your blog through your Instagram Stories or your Tweets. Maybe you are in a few good Facebook groups that you can network in or your blog could benefit the business people on LinkedIn. You don’t always need to shamelessly self promote but you should get out of your comfort zone and at least share that there is a new blog post out or even share part of the insight from your blog posts on the plattform. It can be weird in the beginning, especially if you always used social media for personal reasons and this is very professional but you can mix both. Believe me, this will work if you do it in a way that works for your audience. Just research a bit on target audiences and proper self advertisement. Even I think that I do it too much or wrong sometimes.


It’s a Google for pictures and if you tag pictures the right way you will win a lot of readers on here. You’ll have to learn a little bit about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for this but it isn’t really hard in the case of Pinterest. A big helper in blog traffic will be Groupboards. Find bloggers in your niche, go onto their profile and search for groupboards. Some will have a step by step description on how to get added.
If you want to make Pinterest your ultimate traffic source I’d suggest you try Tailwind. It’s a tool helping you to schedule, find and analyze pins. You can join tribes there that are in your niche and get your content reposted by people with similar audiences. I talked about it more in my recent post about β€œEasy to use blogging tools”. You can try it out with a free trial HERE.

Guest Posts

This is something that needs a little bit more work from your side than the others. Find people in your niche, network with them, be active on their blogs and social media and ask them if they accept guest posts on their blog. Writing for other, bigger blogs can really make a big difference in the size of the community of regular readers you have and people that buy your digital products and sign up for your newsletter. It’s more of an on the side thing to work on together with networking in general. But when the opportunity arises definitely ask for it.


This costs money but helps you find your target audience. You need to educate yourself on effective advertisement before you do this. Otherwise you’ll just throw money out of the window, but it can be incredible for selling digital products or getting people to join your email list to land in a sales funnel. It’s a good thing to use at launches and when your business is already making enough money for you to actually invest back into advertisement. If you have a big post on Pinterest and wanna make it even bigger that would be a good start. Maybe you have a big giveaway on Instagram and want more people to see it to grow your followers, also not bad. Just learn how to use it the right way and what to type in when you create the advertisement. There is a little bit of luck involved too.

You’re just starting out? Here are my recommendations.

You’re just starting out with blogging or simply search for new ways to further your business? I have a few recommendations for you:
Bluehost – my hosting service for the last 3 years, I’m super happy with it!
Grammarly – this tool makes sure my grammar is right in all my social media posts.
Tailwind – Tired of manually pinning every day? This tool helps you get your pins in front of a bigger audience and I’ve been using it for a year now.
Blogging Bossbabe – a course I made for all the people wanting to start a blog and make it successful. Everything in one place and affordable if you want to save some $$$.
Blogger Starter Pack – a completely free email course that helps you with the basic beginnings of starting a professional blog.
Sign up for it down below and get started now:

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How to grow your blog traffic

How to grow your blog traffic by Rabea

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