Blogging Advice for beginners

February 1, 2020Rabea

You just started a blog or want to start a blog? There are so many cool things coming at you and also a lot of struggles we all go through. Here is my blogging advice for beginners:

Blogging Advice for beginners main

Know who you’re serving with your content

This is sooo important. You don’t want to serve everyone because you won’t know how to attract everyone to your blog. Know what your average reader looks like (male/female/age/etc.) and what their interests and problems are. You want to solve problems with your blog posts, freebies and later on with products.
For example: My blog serves women between 18 and 30 that are empaths, creative and want to get their life to be a bit more stable (and my posts about blogging are obviously for the ones that have β€œStarting a business” included into their future planning). Of course you can be more in-depth, that was simply the basics of the people I have in mind while writing my posts.

Don’t gloss over the tips bloggers give you in their guides

Take this from someone that DID exactly that: It’s not a good idea. Of course you shouldn’t bombard yourself with knowledge, but seeing someone write about a topic and assuming you already know everything about it is bad. I recently had a whole stressful dilemma with how I manage my email lists, because I didn’t listen to some of the advice that I found. All just because I assumed I already knew what they were going to say in their blog post.
So next time you find a post about email marketing, using Mailchimp, setting up sales funnels or generating traffic, read it. There might be something you overlooked until now.

Get into marketing your blog early on

The more you learn about marketing your blog and products early on, the earlier you can start generating more traffic to your blog and make money with automated tactics. Just search up sales funnels, email marketing and traffic generation to get a basic overview of what I’m talking about. That’s just one of the things you can do on your blog. There is also social media marketing and all kinds of other stuff to bring in money through blogging. Start learning early enough and, again, don’t think you know everything just because you already read 10 articles about the topic.

You need an email list (and it will be overwhelming!)

Listen, this gives me anxiety just thinking about it. I recently realized that I could’ve done my entire email list and marketing way better from the beginning and I don’t want you to make the same mistake. Watch videos on the platform you will use and read articles about it. I wanted something very specific, but couldn’t figure out how to do it for FOUR days. Those were 4 days spend in absolute overwhelm and then a few more days setting up everything I learned. Don’t be like me and do it right from the start.

You’re just starting out? Here are my recommendations*

This was my blogging advice for beginners. You’re just starting out with blogging or simply search for new ways to further your business? I have a few recommendations for you:
Bluehost – my hosting service for the last 3 years, I’m super happy with it!
Grammarly – this tool makes sure my grammar is right in all my social media posts.
Tailwind – Tired of manually pinning every day? This tool helps you get your pins in front of a bigger audience and I’ve been using it for a year now.
ConvertKit – Want to start an email list to generate more sales or just to keep your readers updated? This is a great service to use.
Blogging Bossbabe – a course I made for all the people wanting to start a blog and make it successful. Everything you need to know in one place and affordable if you want to save some $$$.
Blogger Starter Pack – a completely free email course that helps you with the basic beginnings of starting a professional blog. Sign up for it down below and get started now:

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Blogging Advice for beginners

Blogging Advice for beginners by Rabea

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