How to make your office more inspiring

As creatives we always have things laying around everywhere on our desks and in our office. We switch between tasks fast and we tend to be a little bit unorganized. That’s why I wanted to show you how to make your office more inspiring.
Everything has its place
This is my number one rule for every room. I got it from the book “The life-changing magic of tidying up” and it really was a life changer. If every little thing has its own place in your office the cleaning up at the end of the day will only need a minute in some cases. Always have a little folder to put loose papers in that you can organize into files at the end of the week or month. Also don’t forget to have a little bit of decoration. Not everything on your desk needs to be just practical. I personally love Society6 for decoration. I have a shop there myself. Check it out and try out different filters on the side to find more.
Closed spaces
Have as many things as possible that you don’t need a lot behind a box or in a closed space. This is way easier on the eyes and makes your office space less distracting. Having a lot of things hidden and looking clean also helps you to be less overwhelmed in general. Especially if you have mental health and stress problems the minimal aspect of your interior can help you stay calm and collected.
Have a color palette
This is ignored by a lot of people. Have a few colors that are mainly displayed in your office or on your desk. For me that is mainly white, black, pink and a little bit of blue. Of course there is always other stuff like pens in different colors but if the main space looks cohesive in colors you will see how much better you can concentrate on the important things in front of you. I definitely think white should be the base color for all of you since it’s representing calmness and is a clean space.
Buy better organizers
A lot of us have organization solutions that aren’t effective. Buy something that works and doesn’t only look good. For some people little plastic drawers help, for others it’s little vases or a makeup organizer for all the tools. I personally mainly use vases and other things along those lines for my pens and little copper baskets for the things that are a little bit bigger. I also store little things like washi tape in closed boxes so I don’t need to see that mess every time I sit down on my desk.
Hang up inspiring pictures
I really hope you have a vision board or some kind of goal you wanna reach by sitting on your desk every day. I personally love hanging up a vision board right above my monitor. Either in single frames or on a big grid, this always helps you when you sit there and wanna give up. Always surround yourself with things that give you a bit of your motivation back. Maybe even hang up some self made paintings or something fitting to the color scheme. Again, Society6 is a great place to curate things like this.
Those were my biggest tips on how to make your office more inspiring. Always remember that it won’t always look good. If it would that would mean you aren’t working. I’m sitting her surrounded by notebooks and my iPad right now.
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