MIND BODY SOUL ebook preview

An ebook for anyone that doesn’t know the broadness of the topic of self-care. Put your life back into balance with your Mind, Body & Soul.

Get yourself this 40+ page ebook about all things self-care and get your life back into balance with more knowledge about your mind, your body & your soul. It doesn’t matter if you are super stressed or super bored every day. Both extremes need balance and this ebook will help you learn how to create this balance.

This ebook has dozens of pages in multiple chapters in the categories “Mind, Body & Soul”, that will show you how much of your life can actually be filled with self-care activities and habits. You will also find a whole section full of healthy recipes that you can try out to give your body more internal balance. There is a big amount of factual knowledge, based on studies and also a big chunk of personal advice from years of living a mental illness and having self-care be the biggest part of daily recovery.

Do you wanna feel better in your daily life? Do you want to feel more content and happy again and less stressed and bored? Do you wanna learn more about all things self-care? Then I’d recommend you to get this eBook while it’s still on sale!

This is what customers said…

Amazing ebook and must-read if you’re either new to this topic or want to dive deeper into it. The ebook also comes with some recipes, exercises and journaling prompts, which I find very inspiring and helpful. It’s easy to read and understand , covers a lot of areas and provides amazing tips to organize and get your life together and improve your mental health!


„Mind, Body & Soul“ is one of the first eBooks I ever bought and I‘m so glad I did. The layout is so minimalistic yet so beautiful, that it gives you a feeling of calmness. Just so that your in the right mood for the topic.
It‘s great that the book provides specific types of Meditation, ways to train your brain & leaving your comfort zone. It gives you the chance to really find your way of doing self-care, without having to research a method.
It also provides workouts for beginners, which I really appreciate. Cause one often needs a plan, to find the motivation to work out at all.
Overall I really love this eBook and I will definitely use a lot of the advices.


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